The CoBP provides for avenues through which employees, suppliers and stakeholders can report breached anonymously. Any breaches of the CoBP must be reported.

The Board of the Company will not criticise management for any loss of business resulting from adherence to these principles and other mandatory policies. Provision has been made for employees to be able to report in confidence and no employee will suffer as a consequence of doing so.

The whistle blowing avenue is referred to as 'Confidential Reporting of Issues or Concerns' and it is well published and communicated across the business. It provides avenues for anonymous reporting through a toll-free telephone hotline, a web page as well as through the Business Integrity Officers and Line Managers. This avenue of reporting is available to both external Stakeholders and employees and is annexed to the Governance of Limuru Tea (the Board Charter) and uploaded on the Company's Website.

At Limuru Tea Plc. during the year under review we carried out regular awareness sessions to ensure that our employees and stakeholders are aware of the provisions of the CoBP. There were no sanctions issued to employees under the CoBP during the year.

Whistle Blowing Contacts
  1. Report via the confidential and anonymous toll-free hotline – 0800724052
  2. Report openly, speak to a manager you trust.
  3. Business Integrity Committee Members
  4. Anonymous reporting platform here

Any concerns you report will be kept confidential.